Thursday, April 8, 2010

I'm really starting this...???

I will be the first to say that I can't believe I have actually signed up to start a blog. I love to write and use words...but, really, ..... who has the time?? :) Nevertheless, I feel led to do so. We'll see how this goes. I'll be honest and confess that I'm very good at starting things but not so good at finishing. Other things you should know about me: I am very inconsistent, have self-diagnosed myself with Adult ADD, and am always thinking about 4-5 things at any giving moment which makes it very difficult to follow me in conversations. All of which drive me crazy about myself! I'm better when I type...I think. I might only have only five long entries for the entire year. Or, who knows, this form of communication may make me more "settled" in my thoughts by allowing just quick one-liners as food for thought. Hard to say, but it really could go either way. I don't really know myself well enough to predict those things, but I have some friends and a great husband that help me to "stay out of the ditches" of losing my train of thought (or my mind altogether)! SO, if you don't mind all my issues...then join me in this journey!

Today, I am still struck by the events that are shaking our world. As I mentioned yesterday on Facebook, our nation needs an awakening...a revival...a miracle of God breaking into our cities and lives. We have turned away from Him (as a nation) and now we are reaping the fruit of what we have sown. How can we continue to be so blind? How can we continue to stay asleep? Our nation, as well as the nations of the world, are being confronted by God Himself. He is trying to get our attention. We (as a nation) just want Him (His Word, His people, His ways, etc.) to go away. But He won't. He is relentless to pursue us because He is that crazy about us and wants us to know Him. He will not leave us alone until He has what He wants. And, truly, God forbid He leave us alone...

So I cry out for more of His presence to be in me, in my home, in my family, at my office, in my neighborhood. I believe God is waiting for us to take responsibility and stand up and say "Not on my watch!"

"So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one (Ezekial 22:30)."

God saw there was no man, and He wondered why there was no intercessor or one that would stand in the gap between the sins of mankind and the holiness of God. He wondered. GOD wondered. Oh my...

"Therefore His own arm brought salvation for Him; and His own righteousness, it sustained Him (Isaiah 59:16)."

In other words, He sent Jesus to be the one to stand in the gap. To interceed. To bring us salvation. To stand on the wall. This One has come that we can stand in right relationship with a holy God, even though we are sinful. I don't want God wondering why there is no intercessor. I want Him satisfied with what He sees in me....that I could stand before Him on behalf of injustice and unrighteousness; that I could stand before Him and remind Him of His promises; that I could tell Him that His ways are good and His judgements are right. He wants me to dialogue with Him. He wants me to "stand in His council" and inquire of Him. But He also wants me to enjoy Him and to know without a shadow of a doubt that I am His favorite (and so are you). He wants me completely confident and secure in who I am in Him. That's where the peace is found. That's where the joy is found.

So I say, Yes, Lord. I am here to do Your will. I am willing. I want to stand on the wall. I want You to be satisfied with what You find in me while I'm here on this earth. Come, Holy Spirit, and breathe Your life in me that I may do Your will.

Ahh... What peace. What joy. More, Lord. The fullness of joy. The fullness of You.